This is a summary of the BAA Kyu Grading Syllabus.

Red Belt
Core SkillsTechniqueApplication
 Starting belt. 
6th Kyu – White Belt
Core SkillsTechniqueApplication
Ukemi – side and back breakfalls
Randori-no-kata 1–5 (left or right, candidate’s choice)Kakarigeiko – single attacker, with open-handed attack which must include Shomen-ate and Yokomen-uchi.
5th Kyu – Yellow Belt (Minimum of 40 hrs of practice)
Core SkillsTechniqueApplication
Tandoku-undo (Sections 1–3)
Ukemi – Forward roll
Randori-no-kata 1–10 (left or right, candidate’s choice)Kakarigeiko – single attacker with or without Tanto, to include Shomen and Yokomen (Aigamae
and Gyakugamae) attacks.
4th Kyu – Orange Belt (more than 3 months at 5th Kyu recommended)
Core SkillsTechniqueApplication
Ukemi – Kote-gaeshi, supported
Shikko – Forward/Turning
Randori-no-kata 1–14 (performed left or right, examiner’s choice).
Suwari-waza – 2 techniques (candidate’s choice, both students kneeling).
Kakarigeiko – grasp attacks, Aigamae and Gyakugamae.
Tanto Kakarigeiko – single attacker with Tanto.
3rd Kyu – Green Belt (more than 3 months at 4th Kyu recommended)
Core SkillsTechniqueApplication
Ukemi – Sumi-otoshi, supported.Randori-no-kata
Randori-no-kata-no-ura-waza (1 – 5)
Suwari-waza – 4 techniques (candidate’s choice, both students kneeling).
Kakarigeiko – Multiple attackers e.g. Ninindori, with variation of attack, open-handed.
Hikitategeiko – Single attacker with Tanto. Passive – no counters
2nd Kyu – Blue Belt (more than 6 months at 3rd Kyu recommended)
Core SkillsTechniqueApplication
Ukemi (floating/falling leaf)Randori-no-kata
Shichi-hon-no-kuzushi (1–7) to show balance disturbance, circular movement and control (no break falls)
Hikitategeiko – Single attacker with Tanto – ‘active’ (with counters).
1st Kyu – Brown Belt (more than 9 months at 2nd Kyu recommended)
Core SkillsTechniqueApplication
Koryu-dai-Yon (1–14) to show balance disturbance, circular movement and control.
Kuzushi – demonstration of a variety of balance disturbances for randori.
Koryu-dai-san Suwari-waza Section A (8 techniques)
Hikitategeiko – Empty-handed (Toshu)
  • At all levels after 6th Kyu, previous syllabus will be required at the discretion of the examiners.
  • Duration, intensity and quantity of the ‘Application’ sections will be at the discretion of the examiners.

This is a summary of the techniques in the above katas.

* Shomen-ate
* Ai-gamae-ate
* Gyaku-gamae-ate
* Gedan-ate
* Ushiro-ate
* Oshi-taoshi
* Ude-gaeshi
* Hiki-taoshi
* Ude-garame
* Waki-gatame
* Kote-hineri
* Kote-gaeshi
* Tenkai-kote-hineri
* Shiho-nage
* Mae-otoshi
* Sumi-otoshi
* Hiki-otoshi
* Shomen-ate – Waki-gatame
* Ai-gamae-ate – Kote-mawashi
* Gyaku-gamae-ate – Gedan-ate
* Gedan-ate – Ai-gamae-ate
* Ushiro-ate – Tenkai-kote-hineri
* Oshi-taoshi – Kote-mawashi
* Hiki-taoshi – Tenkai-kote-hineri
* Kote-gaeshi – Kote-gaeshi
* Tenkai-kote-hineri – Waki-gatame
* Shiho-nage – Shiho-nage
Koryu-dai-san Section A : Suwari-waza
* Oshi taoshi
* Gyaku gamae ate
* Kote gaeshi
* Ryote mochi sukui nage

Section A : Hanza Handachi Waza
* Tenkai kote hineri
* Shiho nage
* Gedan ate
* Hiji kime

Section B : Tachi Waza
* Kote mawashi
* Uchi tenkai nage
* Gyaku gamae ate
* Hiji kime
* Mae otoshi
* Ushiro waza mae otoshi
* Ushiro waza tenkai kote hineri
* Mune tori kata gatame

Section C : Tanto Dori
* Ushiro ate
* Gyaku gamae ate
* Tentai oshi taoshi
* Ushiro ate
* Ude gamtame
* Kote gaeshi
* Tenkai kote hineri
* Shomen giri gedan ate

Section D : Bokken Dori
* Mae otoshi
* Shiho nage
* Aigamae ate
* Oshi taoshi
* Oshi taoshi
* Hiji kujiki

Section E : Jo Dori
* Gyaku gamae ate
* Shomen ate
* Hishigi
* Renraku waza hiji hishigi
* Irimi mae otoshi
* Hiji kujiki

Section E : Jo No Tsukai
* MiGyaku gamae ate
* Shomen ate
* Hishigi
* Renraku waza hiji hishigi
* Irimi mae otoshi
* Hiji kujiki

Section F : Tachi tai Tachi (Bokken)
* Ai uchi men
* Hidari men
* Migi men
* Tsuki
* Do
* Kote nuki kote
* Kaeshi men
* Combination of cuts and blocks

Details for the exact requirements for each Kyu grade can be found on the BAA website.